Logo of PhotoViva App. Round picture of many colors draw on the picture.
Logo of PhotoViva App. Round picture of many colors draw on the picture.

How to Draw on Pictures

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photoViva app draw on pictures main menu
photoViva app draw on pictures main menu

Main menu

This is the main menu after you have loaded a photo. The icons on the bottom are for the photo menu, the tools menu, to enter paint mode and adjust the settings.

Double tap the picture to zoom into the image. Double tap again to zoom out. Use two fingers to zoom in and out.

photoViva app draw on pictures photo menu
photoViva app draw on pictures photo menu

Photo menu

Using the photo menu, you can get a photo from the camera, or from the photo album on your device.

You can also select a photo from the inspiration gallery or save the current canvas.

photoViva app draw on pictures setting menu
photoViva app draw on pictures setting menu

Settings menu

The settings menu lets you modify the settings, get online help and get information about the app.

photoViva app draw on pictures setting and help menu
photoViva app draw on pictures setting and help menu


You can select the resolution here. The maximum resolution is dependent on your device.

You can also choose to start with the image or the canvas cleared to white, black or cream.

These choices apply the next time you open a photo. It's easy to get online help by tapping the button "Get Online Help".

photoViva app draw on pictures tools menu 1
photoViva app draw on pictures tools menu 1

Tools menu 1

15 tools are available on the Tools Menu. On smaller devices the Tools Menu is spit into 2 menus.

You can see the other menu by tapping on the bottom or top of the menu. You can crop your original photo here.

The "Enlighten.." tool is useful for correcting photos with large variations in illumination. This has many of the same benefits of HDR but requires only a single image!

The "Liquify" tool lets you distort your image.

"Shadows.." adjusts the darkness of the shadows while "Midtones.." adjusts the gamma making the image darker or lighter.

You can also adjust the saturation, brightness, sharpness or change the color balance making the colors cooler or warmer.

photoViva app draw on pictures tools menu 2
photoViva app draw on pictures tools menu 2

Tools menu 2

Additional tools rotate the hue of your picture and add noise to your image. "Ghost Edges.." adds edges from the source image to the canvas.

"Blend Undo.." blends between the current canvas and its previous state. Try using this after painting to modulate the density of your most recent brush strokes.

Use a double tap to reset any of the sliders.

photoViva app draw on pictures paint mode
photoViva app draw on pictures paint mode

Paint mode

Touching the paint brush icon enters paint mode. You can apply colors using brush strokes, or use the Fill Menu to modify the entire painting.

Colors for brush strokes and filling can be a single edited color (Color Source), or can be sampled from your input photo (Image Source).

You can select the source for colors by touching the palette or the image icons on the bottom. This is best understood by using the Fill menu to clear the canvas to Cream, then painting with Color Source selected and then switching to painting with the Image Source selected.

Do you see the difference? Touch the X to cancel painting or touch the check mark to keep your modifications and return to the main menu.

photoViva app draw on pictures color source
photoViva app draw on pictures color source

Paint mode > Color source

If Color Source is selected and you touch the palette icon, the Color Source menu will appear letting you edit the color.

You can use the Pick Color option to select a color from your canvas, or use the color wheel to choose a color.

The slider on the bottom adds noise to the color. This is useful to make colorful brush strokes even from a single color. Choose a gray color and try changing the amount of color noise and see the effect on the painting.

photoViva app draw on pictures Image source
photoViva app draw on pictures Image source

Paint mode > Image source

If Image Source is selected and you touch down on the image icon, the current Image Source is displayed in the painting area. When you release, your painting is displayed.

If you touch down on the image icon and drag up, the Image Source menu will appear. You can use this menu to modify the brush stroke colors.

Try selecting "Sepiatone" and then painting, or try changing the saturation and try painting some more. Remember you can double tap any slider in this app to reset it. Try adding noise to the Image Source and see the effect on your brush strokes.

Initially the Image Source comes from the photo you selected, but if you want you can have the Image Source use your current canvas.

To do this press the "Use Canvas" button. To make it work like before, tap "Use Photo". At the moment you touch the 'Use Canvas' button, PhotoViva takes your current canvas as it appears at that moment and uses that "snapshot" of your canvas, as the image source for subsequent painting operations.

So when "Use Canvas" is on, you will be painting on your canvas using an earlier version of that canvas as the image source. This can create interesting effects if you switch brushes after selecting 'Use Canvas,' because the new brush can pick up colors and textures from the old brush you were using.

photoViva app draw on pictures brush menu
photoViva app draw on pictures brush menu

Paint mode > Brush

You can choose paint brush properties here. Touch any brush shape to make it the current brush. Use the sliders on the bottom to adjust the direction and size of the brush.

The "Set|Follow" toggle button can be used to make brush strokes paint in just one direction or follow the direction as you paint.

Most of the brushes can be used in "Paint" or in "Copy" mode. Tap on the image icon to select Image Source. Now use the brush menu to select the first brush, and try painting in "Paint" mode and then in "Copy" mode.

In Paint mode, each time you move your finger, PhotoViva picks a single color from under your finger in the source image and draws a brush shape onto the canvas with that single color.

In Copy mode, each time you move your finger, PhotoViva copies a brush-shaped region of the source image under your finger onto your canvas.

To see the difference, clear the canvas, select a large brush and tap once on the canvas to draw a single brush shape in Paint mode, then tap again in Copy mode.

You can quickly adjust the brush size from Paint Mode by touching down on the paint brush menu icon at the bottom of the screen, dragging left and right and releasing.

photoViva app draw on pictures fill menu
photoViva app draw on pictures fill menu

Paint mode > Fill 1

Touching the fill icon on the bottom brings up the fill menu. Here you can clear the canvas to White, Black or Cream.

"Autopaint.." will start painting with the current brush randomly placing brush strokes on the canvas. If you have selected "Set" in the brush menu, all the brush strokes will be in one direction.

If you have selected "Follow" in the brush menu, the brush strokes will have all orientations.

photoViva app draw on pictures mode fill 2
photoViva app draw on pictures mode fill 2

Paint Mode > Fill 2

Try toggling between "Color" and "Image" and notice how your choice affects the five other Fill methods.

"Color" fills using the current Color Source (to see this clearly, go to the Color Source menu and choose a color that is very different from any color in your current canvas).

"Image" fills using the current Image Source (to see this clearly, go to the Image Source menu and change the Hue a lot so the Image Source now looks very different from your current canvas).

You can push the colors of the canvas away from the Source color using "Blend Away..". If you set the Source color to solid gray, Blend Away will adjust contrast.

Using the other Fill methods, you can fill an outer frame, an outline, the center, or all of the canvas using the Color or Image Source.

Please contact us if you have questions or comments.

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